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Gyeonggi Governor’s Visit Spurs New Trade and Investment Opportunities in B.C.

Several government officials including the Minister of JEDI and Minister of State for Trades and Premiere David Eby standing with Governor Kim from South Korea.

In an important visit to strengthen international trade ties, the Honourable Kim Dong-yeon, Governor of Gyeonggi Province, South Korea, visited British Columbia (B.C.), from May 12-13, 2024. This high-profile visit underscored both regions’ cooperation in energy, clean technology and climate change, paving the way for new trade and investment opportunities.

Deepening a Long-Standing Relationship

British Columbia and Gyeonggi Province have shared a sister-province relationship for over 16 years, marked by mutual visits and ongoing collaboration. Premier Eby met with Governor Kim in South Korea last year, where they signed an enhanced action plan and laid the groundwork for this reciprocal visit. Governor Kim’s visit to Victoria, B.C. included meetings with key provincial officials, including the Premier, B.C. Ministers and the Lieutenant Governor of B.C., further solidifying the strong ties between the two provinces.

Advancing Clean Technology and Energy Solutions

A significant outcome of Governor Kim’s visit was the reinforced commitment to clean technology and energy initiatives. Building on the renewed Enhanced Action Plan and the Statement of Cooperation between the Gyeonggi Ministry of Transportation and the B.C. Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure, both regions plan to exchange complementary technologies which may help reduce carbon emissions. In addition to commitments incorporated in the Statement of Cooperation, this partnership includes exploring the implementation of British Columbia’s hydrogen fuel cell technology in Gyeonggi’s public transit systems, inspired by the successful use of Ballard Power Systems’ fuel cells in South Korea.

Innovative Public Transportation Solutions

The visit also highlighted Gyeonggi’s innovative “TtukBus” initiative, an AI-powered public transportation system operating on a Demand Responsive Transport model that optimizes routes in real-time, addressing public transit inefficiencies, particularly in underserved areas. This sharing of information can help support the ongoing work being undertaken by the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure to find innovative and resilient solutions to meet the diverse transportation needs of communities in British Columbia.

Boosting Startup Ecosystems

Promoting startup growth and corporate exchanges was another key focus of the visit. Both B.C. and Gyeonggi Province share a strong interest in fostering innovation and cross-border investments in AI and technology. By supporting technology exchanges and startup ecosystems, the regions aim to create fertile ground for new businesses, driving economic development and attracting investment.

Premier Eby and Governor Kim shaking hands by a desk and flags.

Looking Ahead

Governor Kim’s successful visit to British Columbia opened new trade and investment frontiers in clean technology, AI and sustainable energy. These initiatives promise economic growth and innovative solutions to global challenges. Trade and Invest British Columbia is eager to nurture these opportunities, strengthening the economic ties between British Columbia and Gyeonggi Province for years to come.

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